Profile for Internship 2024

35 y/o Swede living in Denmark

Andreas Ekvall-Hofvander

Copenhagen-based Swede coding up a storm in Denmark, always eager to learn and seeking opportuinities to apply my skills. On the lookout for an internship to further fuel my passion for web development.

In 2023 I embarked on a new journey to change my future. I put down my pots and pans; left the kitchen and switched it all out for keyboards, screens and (sometimes) comfy office-chairs at KEA, studying Multimediadesign.

Always expanding my Front-end skills by making things; currently diving into React and previous semesters the focus was on wrapping my head around Astro (which this app's made in!).

My leisure-time is spent mostly in front of the screen figuring out things and learning, but sometimes there is time for the occasional game or two. If I’m not inside I prefer being outside having a good walk or practicing my flips with my skateboard. Or just being in the backyard grilling up my latest craving.

It's a me - Andreas the Swede, budding webdev and tech enthusiast.
Andreas 'Koo' Ekvall




Forever working on those semantics! The first step of the journey.

If the semantics are good, the rest will be easier.

If the semantics are good, the rest will be easier.


If it can't be fixed with HTML, this is always the next step.

Knowledge of selectors, variables, pseudo-classes/elements, keyframes, media/container-queries and some rudimentary insights into @layers.

Some experience with TailwindCSS.


The third step if the previous 2 fail!

Basic understanding of Javascript. Functions, methods, arrays, objects, loops and manipulating the DOM.

Currently learning React but open to learn other frameworks!


This was made with Astro!

Currently delving deeper and broadening my knowledge of this nifty (mostly SSG) web-dev framework.


Basic skills setting up repositories for use in smaller team-based projects. Branching and merging.

Hoping to expand on this subject in an actual production setting!


Experience setting up some smaller Visual Identity pages, components and general usage.

My go-to tool for setting up proof-of-concept, wireframes and trying out different ideas.


Some basic knowledge of setting up databases (through Supabase)

Populating it with data followed up by using fetch() methods with Javascript.


Knowledge of deployment with Netlify

Also some explorative experience with Vercel as that's where the latest few school-projects have been deployed.


The Adobe Creative Suite, including but not limited to:

During the course of the education we've also checked out InDesign & AfterEffects.